
The development

We are building 24 one, two and four-bedroom terraced homes for our Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei whānau to own, and to assist whānau into home ownership.

Nestled near the corner of Hawaiki Street and Kupe Street, these new homes will sit atop the Kupe ridge linking Takaparawhau and Pourewa, two significant pieces of whenua for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.

More homes allows for more of our whānau to help maintain our ahi kaa, our long history and connection to our whenua.


Design, planning and construction

  • Jasmax
  • TBIG
  • Vivian Construction
  • Brightline

Finance and legal

  • BNZ
  • Westpac
  • Russell McVeagh
  • Pidgeon Judd



  • Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
  • Auckland Council

How to Apply

Note: All homes have been allocated. If you wish to be notified if any homes become available, please email [email protected]

Step 1: Check how much you may be able to afford using our Affordability Calculator. This tool has been specifically built by a mortgage advisory company, Tella, for Hawaiki and will give you a good idea about what homes you may be able to afford.

Step 2: We have partnered with two banks, BNZ and Westpac, to lend directly to whānau. BNZ and Westpac have dedicated staff to help guide you through the process and evaluate how much they are prepared to lend you. You will need a pre-approval letter from a bank showing how much they are prepared to lend you in order to apply to purchase a whare in Hawaiki. 

Click here for the banks' contact information. It's important to contact these people and not go via the bank's general enquiry line as their help desk may not direct you to the right people.

Step 3: Once you have a pre-approval letter from a bank for finance, complete an application form.

The pre-approval process may take some time so we encourage you to get in touch with the banks as soon as you can!




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