Future Directors Hana Maihi and Maaka Royal Bring Diverse Perspectives

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Rawa has welcomed two new directors, Hana Maihi and Maaka Royal, to its Board as part of its Future Directors Programme 2024-2026. These young leaders bring a mix of experience and an innate desire to serve the iwi’s needs. We had a kōrero with Hana and Maaka to find out more about what they expect to get out of the programme and what they’re looking forward to.

Hana brings to the board her learnings across governance and other diverse sectors, alongside her experience as a business owner. She is enthusiastic about contributing to kōrero that impacts whānau and how Whai Rawa navigates the opportunities and challenges facing the iwi, while responsibly growing the intergenerational wealth and the resilience of the people and rohe.

"I'm eager to see what that looks like for us beyond property development and how I can best contribute with the skills and experience that I have. Learning about how whānau perspectives and values are integrated into our long-term vision, investment horizons and partnerships, will hopefully highlight how we prepare our next generations for emerging pathways and how we prioritise and deliver outcomes for our people and rohe.”

Maaka’s background is more rooted in the sporting sector and from owning his own business, so is excited to bring fresh ideas and voice his opinions to add value. He too, is eager to learn from the experts on the Board and contribute his own unique perspective.

“I’ve done a lot of things over my working career and now I’m wanting to transition over to governance and also see how we as an iwi, Whai Rawa, operate, and to get some experience through the mātanga who sit around the table and hopefully contribute to the kōrero around the table because their decisions impact our whānau.”

Above all, their commitment to serving the iwi and its whānau is evident. Maaka highlights the importance of bringing a whānau voice to the Board's discussions, describing how “sometimes a whānau voice and view is missing on certain things.” 

Both Hana and Maaka are particularly interested in future-proofing the iwi's assets and ensuring its long-term sustainability.

“This interests me as it stands out as a cornerstone to great intergenerational leadership and legacy,” Hana highlights. “The opportunity to learn about how the iwi has historically and presently strategized and achieved this against the odds will be insightful.”

Both new directors were impressed by the discussions had in their first hui. “It’s quite healthy to have these discussions where not everyone agreed on a particular kaupapa,” Maaka observes. “It was good to see them work things out and come to a resolution, despite their differences.”

Hana sees this as a positive sign, reflecting the Board's commitment to considering diverse viewpoints, ensuring we weigh risks and opportunities through our unique worldview, tikanga and global best-practice lens. She adds, “‘He kai a te rangatira, he kōrero – knowledge and communication is the food of chiefs’. Robust debate, problem-solving and decision-making has been a highlight from this hui, similar to my previous experience alongside astute boards tasked with managing resources, safeguarding tāonga and balancing economic returns in perpetuity.” Maaka is particularly excited about the learning opportunities this programme offers.

Looking forward, Hana and Maaka are optimistic about the future of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. They both see immense potential for growth and development, particularly in emerging areas like tikanga-led tech and climate-resilient infrastructure. They are committed to working collaboratively with the Board to ensure that the iwi's investments and decisions reflect the needs and aspirations of its whānau.  

The Future Directors Programme represents a significant investment in the future leadership of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. With their dedication, diverse experiences, and passion for their iwi, Hana and Maaka are well-equipped to make valuable contributions to the Board and help shape a prosperous future for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.