Grant’s Kōrero: Through various Governments, Whai Rawa’s work continues


Since Whai Rawa was established in 2013, we’ve seen a number of different Governments come and go.  Whai Rawa has continued working to make the best of whatever policies are adopted by the Government of the time. The most recent change of Government is no different.

Whatever the result of this election, an immediate focus of the incoming Government – whether that was Labour or National-led – was always going to be on the cost of living, inflation, and interest rates. We’ll continue to watch this area with interest, especially to see what the National-led Government is doing and saying around bringing building and grocery costs under control, and in ensuring that bank finance to buy homes is available at a reasonable cost.

Longer-term, there must be a focus on economic growth, productivity and creating job and business opportunities for the future of Aotearoa. This needs to include ensuring that New Zealand has the infrastructure it needs for the future, including for transport and electricity. We’ll have a particular interest in the new Government’s approach to the Auckland Port.

A continued focus on housing, including housing for Māori, will also be needed. There were housing initiatives underway by the Labour Government; we need to see what happens to those initiatives and what new initiatives are brought in by the National Government. We’d like to see iwi more empowered to deliver housing for their people.

We also need to see what is happening around climate change and sustainability, both of which have probably been more of the Greens and Te Pāti Māori. So, seeing their policies develop in that respect and understanding what they are doing will be something else we will keep an eye on.

Whai Rawa has continued to be profitable and successful through various Governments. It has also continued to deliver whānau housing for purchase or rental during that period. Although the Government will change, our commitment to both of these won’t change.