Tanya Povey is one of our new Whānau Directors on our Whai Rawa Board. Tanya joins the Board with a wealth of knowledge and experience to add to the team, having spent several years in leadership positions within non-governmental organisations and Trusts. We had a kōrero with Tanya to find out more about what she aspires to achieve during her time on the Whai Rawa Board.

“I currently work as an Area Manager for an NGO (non-governmental organisation) in the health sector. I am excited to get started in my new role with Whai Rawa and I’m really looking forward to being a part of a team who helps to secure the futures for our whānau. I aim to represent whānau with passion, honesty, and uphold our mātāpono,” she says.

Tanya anticipates that this role is likely to challenge her own thinking, rationale and reasoning at times but is eager to hear others' views and perspectives to provide the best outcomes for whānau.

Looking ahead, Tanya has identified a few key challenges for Whai Rawa to face in the year ahead, largely due to the national and global economic instability we’ve seen of late.

“Protecting and driving our own financial stability and growth will be a continual focus as expected. However, my priority is ensuring that all decisions remain very clear and focused on our values as a hapū, while acknowledging and achieving the overarching commercial goals of the business,” Tanya explains.

“Coming into the role I can already see that there is so much opportunity for further growth and success. A standout would be the potential to lift the bar and standards on environmental sustainability through decisions, choices and behaviours. As a business we have the opportunity to partner with our community and improve the wellbeing of all.

“On a larger scale, the commercial opportunities that are available to Whai Rawa give us a platform to embed our values, our tikanga, in our decisions and behaviours.  As well as to be present as the identity synonymous with Tāmaki Makaurau, both on a local and global scale.”

When asked what her favourite whakatauki is Tanya shared “Ko ngā pae tawhiti whaia kia tata, ko ngā pae tata, whakamaua kia tina” [The potential for tomorrow depends on what we do today]. She says that this reminds her that even the smallest of tasks contribute to the bigger picture.

Q+A with Tanya

Who is your greatest influence and why?

Parents and grandparents. I see them in myself, which is sometimes scary - their behaviours, mannerisms, words. How could they not be the greatest influence.

Favourite artist/creative?

My sister-Charlene, endlessly creative, artistic. Borderline hoarder.

What book/audiobook are you reading/listening to right now?

Wolf Hall series by Hilary Mantel.

What is your biggest achievement?

My three children are best things I ever did - even on their worst day. Their names are Jordan, Daemon and Rory.

What has been your biggest lesson?

Make plans but don’t forget life often won’t take any notice of your plan.

What drives you and keeps you motivated?

My Family and our future, I want to ensure that I’m always aiming to be better.

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

Travel more because the day will come when you no longer can. Try more, and then more, new things. Invest in land! Invest in labs! Spend more time with family.