Ko Ngāti Whātua te iwi

Ko Tuperiri tōku tupuna

Nā Tuperiri ko Tarahawaiiki

Nāna ko Atareta

Nāna ko Rēweti

Nāna ko Wiremu Te Whenua

Nāna ko Pāora Rēweti

Nāna ko Pirinihia Rēweti

Nāna ko Esther Viola Rēweti

Nāna ko Merekaraka Talbot

Nāna ko au, ko Tom Irvine taku ingoa

Tom Irvine was recently appointed to the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Rawa Board as one of our Whānau Directors. Tom brings a wealth of corporate, community and commercial expertise and experience to the Board. 

His current occupation and governance roles include Auckland Art Gallery Deputy Director, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki  Advisory Committee member, Committee for Auckland Director and Mussel Reef Restoration Trust Trustee. Tom previously held the General Manager Transformation role at Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Māia.

We had a kōrero with Tom to find out more about what he aspires to achieve in his time on the Board.

“I bring a practical trade background, broad organisational leadership experience, strong iwi and civic relationships and a sincere love of Tāmaki Makaurau and our people. I look forward to contributing positively to all Whai Rawa kaupapa that benefit whānau now, and also future generations.”

Tom expects that the biggest challenge for the business right now is “no doubt, Covid” but is looking forward to “leveraging the resilience, group wide collaboration and broader whānau connections that have been developed during the past two years.”

“A prosperous Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei looks like cultural, social, environmental and asset growth strategies. As well as connections across the hāpu that provide opportunities for us all to thrive now and well into the future.” 

What drives you and keeps you motivated?

Tangata, Takiwā, Kaupapa (People, Place Purpose) are the three main goals that drive me

What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? 

To not be in such a hurry to grow up “young fella!”

What is your favourite whakatauki and why?

E hara i te ti… Unlike the Ti Kouka tree… you only live once

Who is your greatest influence and why?

My parents. Dad in my early years and Mum later in life. Why? Unconditional love and respect, always.

What does hauora mean/look like to you?

Tōtika - Balance. 

Where do you go to relax, take a break from mahi?

A golf course or nice kai with friends and whānau.

Favourite kai Māori?

Brisket and puha boil up.

Favourite waiata?

Too many, anything old school. Also, all the beautiful waiata our wonderful whānaunga via Whai Māia are producing and sharing with us all right now.

Favourite artist/creative?

Grayza (Graham Tipene).

What book/audiobook are you reading/listening to right now?

Māori Made Easy – Scotty Morrison.