Te Tōangaroa


Nestled on the Eastern end of the City Centre and adjacent to the land currently occupied by the Ports of Auckland is Te Tōangaroa, our single largest commercial asset. A key landmark within the precinct is Spark Arena and Mahuhu ki te Rangi Reserve named after our waka.

Not only does it help to re-establish our presence in the CBD, it provides important income from its annual rent to be able to reinvest in to our hapū.

In 1996, we purchased the ex-Railway Lands (known as Quay Park) from the Crown and on sold the leasehold interest to a developer based on a 15-year prepayment. The prepayment agreement allowed us to raise the price of the land.


  • Masterplan - Our vision for Te Te Tōangaroa (including the land currently occupied by Ports of Auckland)
  • Mahi Toi - Mural and other art installations in the precinct




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